Monday, September 6, 2010

30 Hornets vs 30, 000 Bees!!!

Would u expect to win in a fight with 30 hornets or 30, 000 honey bees? Imagine your cute honey bees happily building your hive with 30, 000 members of your family. Then, 30 giant hornets come out of nowhere, they are 2 inches long and their venom is so strong that it could kill a human being within minutes! They take the lives of dozens of people every year.

In just half an hour, those hornets can murder every member of the bee's family ripping them limb by limb. So that is 30 hornets can kill 30, 000 bees in 30 minutes! That is just sick! Now Japanese honey bees are not a bit like the normal honey bees we see everyday.

That hornet is a scout whose job is to mark the hive. So its attack force will come to murder all of the bees eating their larvae and honey. Instead of panicking, the Japanese honey bees signal their strategy by shaking their 'butt'. Yea, I know, its weird but they do so. They hold off to the last possible moment and then they attack the hornets. Each hornet is attacked by hundreds of bees. But instead of stinging the hornets, they start 'vibrating'. Now this is beyond weird. But the reason they do that is to raise their collective body temperature to 47 degrees Celcius.

Now why do they raise their temperature to 47 degrees u ask? Well, honey bees can stand the maximum temperature of 48 degrees but the hornets can only stand the maximum temperature of 45-46 degrees! One degree Celcius makes a lot of difference and those poor hornets that is surrounded by hundreds of bees is cooked alive. And with the hornet, the secret location of the hive dies with it. Here is a picture of the bees so called 'vibrating' the hornets. Thank you for reading, if you found this article is interesting, follow me for more interesting articles in the future =)

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